Srikanth Bolla: Seeing no obstacles





Srikanth Bolla… an entrepreneur just like anybody else! Self employed. Coming from a simple farmer family who were shocked to see a baby without any eyes!! This inspiring story is a must for every human being. He speaks of the isolation shown from birth by the society and community that believe that a child who is not normal in all faculties, does not deserve to live. Fortunately for Srikanth his parents did not listen to this wrong and constant advice given to them. His parents brought him up against all odds. According to Srikanth richness is not measured by the wealth you accumulate. Richness is the happiness that you have in your life.


The tribulations in his childhood, when in a normal school , that kept him away from the regular, everyday activities that other children were engaged in, made him feel the poorest person on the earth. It was not the absence of material wealth, but the absence of inclusivity that left him feeling lost and lonely.


Seeing that there was no real learning happening in a regular school, his parents decided to send him to a special school for the blind in far away Hyderabad. That was the turning point in Srikanth’s life. That was when the doors to his imaginary opened and he was recognised for his intelligence and dedication.


The rest, as they say, is history. Listen to Srikanth in his own words


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