From a Victim to an Activist! The 5 minute video showcases the hurdles faced that were ultimately conquered.

What traveling means for Persons with Disabilities follows the trials and tribulations of Prathishta Deveshwar. Left paralysed from chest down after being involved in a car accident, when she was just 8 years old. Ironically it was not an impact with another car or rash driving. It was the result of a gaping pothole on the road that somersaulted the car leaving her spinal chord crushed. She believes wearing a seat belt even while sitting behind may have helped. . Today at 21 she is an activist for people with disabilities, is a motivational speaker. Pursuing her higher studies in Delhi, this young girl from Hoshiarpur has proven that despite being a person with disabilities, one can be positive in outlook and overcome all challenges and obstacles to make a life for themselves.

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