She is an inspiring as her smile


The first thing that strikes you when you meet Preet is her smile! It is beautiful and beatific. It is infectious and soon has you smiling back at her, in earnest. She brings sunshine into the room she is in, even on the darkest gloomiest, heavy downpour of a day in the monsoon season in Mumbai.


Her voice is the sweetest you have heard. Her penchant for singing is obvious when you hear her speak. She sounds musical. She is a voracious reader and a book worm. She is creative and an artist. She loves to sketch and paint. And yes, she loves to dance, even if it means as she is seated, be it in a chair or a wheelchair.


Yes, Preet Vora is a young woman who has overcome her disabilities.


The younger of twins born to two amazing and loving parents, Preet had the misfortune to be without enough oxygen going to her brain as she was born. With her umbilical cord already cut, the new born baby turned blue. This left her with cerebral palsy. The Doctors had tried to console her parents saying at least one of the girls was normal. They were of the opinion that the younger twin would remain bedridden throughout her short lifetime and that she would never walk. They were unsure of the quality of life she would be leading.


Cerebral Palsy had her totally dependent on her parents as a child. But the tiny infant was a fighter from the start. Preet was subjected to seven operations and two surgeries for her to be able to stand on her legs over the course of her childhood. Slowly, but surely she overcame as much of her disability as possible.


She attended regular school with her twin sister till the seventh standard. Ask Preet what was her pet peeve subject and she will reply with a smile…’Mathematics!’ Somehow she could not bring herself around to mastering the subject. She was excellent in English and was good with technology. After the 7Th Std she moved to the National Institute of Open Schooling and studied her way till the Board Exam of the 10thStd. in St. Anthony’s. Her parents and her sibling encouraged her over the course of her schooling. The NIOS is a godsend for students who decide to take studies up at their own pace and according to their own interest instead of being bound to a given curriculum as prevalent in the regular schools.


Preet was a sincere and dedicated student who gave her everything to all that she did. She completed her schooling with 81% and came first in English and Computer Science and was the School Topper. No mean achievement this! She was the proud recipient of the trophy and gold medal that was awarded in her school for the students under the NIOS Category. Preet found her new found interest in Computer Applications and this got her to enroll for the BCA degree. She also completed a course in Home Science and Psychology.


Her restricted physical movements did not hold her back when it came to excelling in her continued learning and mastering of computer related courses, especially in Online Designing including web and graphic designing. She learnt to commute through the heavy traffic in Mumbai by independently travelling in autos and cars.


She enjoyed her moments with her friends who were inclusive in their outings with her.


Preet today works for a leading 360-degree branding and marketing agency company where she has a lot of say in her important role of content development and website maintenance.


What gives her immense satisfaction is the fact that she is working with an organization that shares the happy and not-so-happy moments of persons with disabilities. So, when Preet uploads information related to advancements in the various fields that will be of help to the people who face some sort of disability, or when she shares stories of challenges overcome or mind-set of people who are proud of their achievements in spite of their own disabilities, Preet empathizes and knows that there are others like her who have made it in this world.

Preet is making a difference in the lives of the people she comes across. She is an inspiration for the countless who meet her and draw strength from her.


And as Preet says, “Nothing gives me more pleasure than to see people smile back at me! I know I keep the smiles going!

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