I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much | Stella Young

Born in a small town outside Victoria in Australia, Stella Young grew up with her paraplegic abilities. She went about her work, went to school, did well, worked in her Mom’s hair salon after school hours and continued to lead a normal life as normal could be.  So when the family was approached by a local establishment wanting to give her an achievement award, her parents politely but firmly declined it saying, she had not really achieved anything out of the ordinary that a normal person would do.  Her being a disabled did not make her qualify for the award.  This got Stella Young thinking.  Years later, as an educator in a high school, it further reiterated the fact that youngsters and normal people believe that anyone on a wheelchair was only capable of giving an inspirational talk.  Stella went on to prove that one need not be bracketed under ‘inspirational talks’ but could actually be good at what they do! She inspires not because she is disabled, but because she is humble and clear about the perspective lie has to offer her.

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