Find your Voice All Abilities Choir – founded by Kyile Thulborn.

To quote Kylie, ” What started off as a simple, organic, grassroots opportunity for communities to sing together, really blossomed into something that is just growing exponentially”

Started in 2017 along with Tom Richardson a simple driving around the communities to find out if people were interested to volunteer for this new approach, they managed to garner a few dozens across Portland, Warnambool and Tarang. This led to the Growth in self esteem, growth in civil participation, growth in friendship, growth in developing individual creative capacity.  

True to the groups’ ethos and tagline, the ‘Find Your Voice’ choir really is a ‘celebration of human spirit’. The choir comprises of over 150 individuals of all abilities, from all corners of South-West Victoria. The choir, run entirely by volunteers, harnesses the power of community for joy & connection through music. 

It is this very connect that The Purple Studio backed by the team of passionate people working together at Purple Matters know will be achieved and can be experienced by the people here in Goa where the initiative is to begin shortly. 

Kylie further states that “It is not easy. It is stressful. But everyone comes together and rises above the nerves. Holds a mirror to people. Makes them look at Humanity”. Kylie is happy to share this an as empowered model.  

Yes. Nothing comes easy. But together everyone can achieve more. 

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