Mug to Mike…

Amateur singing group From Mug to Mike’s founder Sunil Koshy has come up with a music video for International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3), featuring singers with disabilities.

Released in December 2022, this video Faasle Aasmaan tak mita de has garnered a healthy 7.4k views in less than 2 months.

The Asha Kiran Special Needs School set in Bengaluru is reaching out and giving wings to people who believe they can, irrespective of their impairments. 

Their Vision and MISSION clearly states….
“To make every child a contributing member of the society by discovering his/her God given gifts and developing them systematically through education and vocational training.”

With more and more such institutions available across the country, Purple Matters strives to be the connecting factor between all. 

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