7 Famous inspirational people with disabilities

Jessica Cox was an armless pilot. Jessica can play a piano, drive her car, write/type by her feet only Jessica becomes an inspirational speaker. Muniba Mazari was born in southern Punjab of pakistan. At the age of 18 muniba mazari got married and she met with an accident and the car fell into a ditch as her husband was sleeping in a car while she was driving. Muniba mazari used to chop her hair off in frustration. Muniba Mazari was in a wheelchair so she started painting in the hospital. Muniba became a model as a singer also. Ben Underwood was diagnosed with retinal  cancer at the age of 2 years old when both eyes were removed. But by the time he was able to detect the location of the object by making clicking noises on the object. Ben Underwood when he turned 15 years old his cancer returned so he decided to stop the treatments and live the last moments with his family. Stephen Hawking with a rare injury called als with a terminal illness but he did not he  purists of explaining the nature about the time black holes and the origin during his  career at cambridge university. Stephen hawking was parazelled he was go in the conference share the knowledge.Marla rylon is legally blind  american track and field athlete at the olympic at the age of nine she was diagnosed with stargardt disease she has loss her vision she has participated in various athlete competitions in 1992 she has won 5 gold medals. She has won many awards in the events she has used her achievements and her personal profile. Nick Vagistic was born in 1992 without having arms and legs Nick Vagistic suffered from depression. He had many hobbies and he loved fishing, painting, and he became an inspirational swimmer.

#people with disabilities are brave and strong and can do as many things as possible# brave, strong people with any kind of disabilities


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